Buying or Selling property can be one of the most important and significant decisions in life. We provide professional Conveyancing services and are here to assist you with the process. Buying in Queensland is complex and is affected by at least twenty pieces of State and Federal legislation, case law and contract conditions. Our role is to make the process as easy as possible for you.
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We strongly recommend that you discuss any matters with us prior to entering into a Contract. Please feel free to contact us in this respect.
We are linked online to Citec, Office of State Revenue, the Department of Natural Resources and Mines (Land Titles Office) and Councils to ensure search results are received promptly. New withholding tax obligations apply to many residential sales and we shall assist you with obtaining clearance certificates.
Whether you are selling or purchasing a business, at Cusack Galvin and James Solicitors we keep all our clients informed about their legal rights and obligations to ensure they receive the desired outcome. Importantly, the drafting of contract conditions are a vital part of the process and contact at this stage is important.
We have extensive experience in the purchase and sale of commercial property, whether you are buying or selling commercial land or buildings or a developer of residential blocks or units. It is important to ensure contract terms are properly negotiated prior to contract, and we are here to assist our clients through this process.

Commercial Leases and Retail Shop Leases are legally binding contracts between a business owner and the owner of a property. We advise Lessors and Lessees in either preparing or reviewing and advising on Commercial or Retail Shop Leases. There are different requirements depending on whether your Lease is for a Retail Shop Lease. We explain your Lease and the legislation so that you can gain a concise understanding of the terms and conditions and their effect.

Impacts of new taxation obligations for property developers (and buyers) are far reaching. Cusack Galvin and James Solicitors have experience in advising and preparing contract documentation for developers of land, small and large developments.
We can advise you on the extensive documentation, your rights and obligations regarding entry into a retirement village or home. It is important to gain prompt advice to assist you in your decision.
We have assisted executor(s) in the administration of estates for 25 years. We assist in obtaining Probate (if required), advising in respect of the administration of the terms of the Will, gathering of assets and payments of expenses and legacies. Where there is no Will we can assist in application for Letters of Administration to enable person(s) to administer the estate.

The preparation of your Will involves important life decisions. This is a document which allocates your assets upon your death. We will assist in drafting a Will from basic Wills to more complex Wills and testamentary trusts.
Enduring Powers of Attorney (EPA’s) apply during your lifetime and cease upon your death. EPA’s can appoint person(s) to act and make important health/financial decisions at such times as you nominate and can operate after you cease to have capacity to make such decisions.
General Powers of Attorney can be prepared for individuals or companies to appoint person(s) to act on your behalf.
We take instructions in other areas of law where we have extensive experience. Please contact us to ascertain if your issue is one which we handle.